



Without overestimating possible to say that taxation as an element of financial planning is one of the most important issues in day-to-day activity of each company. In order to maximize profitability of business and avoid claims from tax authorities, it is necessary to constantly remember on applicable taxes, tax rates, payment order and tax benefits provided by law.

Our expertise covers all aspects of Russian tax law:

  • - value added tax;
  • - excise;
  • - corporate profit tax;
  • - corporate property tax;
  • - land tax;
  • - water tax;
  • - minerals extraction tax;
  • - gambling tax;
  • - personal income tax;
  • - personal property tax;
  • - duties for use of fauna and water biological resources;
  • - special taxation regimes: simplified taxation system, single farming tax, imputed income tax, taxation under production share agreements;
  • - tax litigation.
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